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Indie News Buzz Alive!πŸ₯·

Your support helps us continue to provide daily doses of sarcasm and wit. Donate now and never miss a beat! πŸ€™

$1 or whatever you want

One-time support, donate whatever you want. And
I will figure out how to pay taxes from it.

There’s not too much benefits, but let me break it down for you 😎

πŸ‘‰ cool news,
πŸ‘‰ social status
πŸ‘‰ my gratitude
πŸ‘‰ more gifstats about my revenue

$5 /monthly

Monthly support. Crazy right? It’s more expensive than New York times. But also better than New York Times.

I will still need to figure out taxes, but with more smile on my face

πŸ‘‰ cool news,
πŸ‘‰ social status
πŸ‘‰ my gratitude
πŸ‘‰ gifstats about my MRR

$9 /monthly

The fuck Alex? For fun, I want to see if anyone give it a try!

Remember you're a crazy person, and sometimes I will ask you for advice from time to time about Indie News growth πŸ‘€

πŸ‘‰ cool news,
πŸ‘‰ social status
πŸ‘‰ my gratitude
πŸ‘‰ gifstats about bigger MRR

Made with πŸ‘€ by Alex. All rights reserved.

Made with πŸ‘€ by Alex. All rights reserved.

Made with πŸ‘€ by Alex. All rights reserved.